
Riv Res

I, like many others, first read the Tolkien masterpieces when I was young. I was (and still am) fascinated in Tolkien's ability to actually make you see through the use of words. What visions he created! As I have grown older and read many other authors, I realize how truly unique his genius is. Even in these days of glib speak and slang, his use of the Old English does not confuse or dim these pictures he paints with his words. One could do far worse than to take his glorious stories as inspiration for artistic endeavors. The world he created is far too vivid, both the good and the bad, and it has led me to take up my art again at long last, for I am compelled to translate (in my own way) his words into vision.

For more of my Tolkien wanderings and other subject matter, please visit me at Rabbit Ridge Art™.
Aragorn's Farewell to the Fellowship
Aragorn's Farewell to the Fellowship
Image Riv Res.
© Rabbit Ridge Art™.
The Mirror of Galadriel
The Mirror of Galadriel
Image Riv Res.
© Rabbit Ridge Art™.
Window on Rivendell
Window on Rivendell
Image Riv Res.
© Rabbit Ridge Art™.
The Vinyards of Dorwinion
The Vinyards of Dorwinion
Image Riv Res.
© Rabbit Ridge Art™.
Last edited: 12 June 2010 12:42:58