Tolkien Calendar: The Great Years

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September 22, TA 3019

Bilbo's 129th Birthday and Saruman comes to the Shire.

"Rivendell" by Alan Lee
When contrasted with the celebration of Bilbo's 111th birthday, this one passes with very little fanfare. Tolkien barely devoted two lines to it. Bilbo is noticeably older. When Frodo, Gandalf and the hobbits arrive in Rivendell, they find Bilbo surrounded with books and pens and papers, "old but peaceful and sleepy." He is pleased at the cleverness of the party for arriving just in time for his birthday. All that remains of the original Fellowship is Gandalf and the hobbits and they spend the time resting, visiting and recounting their adventures. Most of the time however, Bilbo falls asleep in the middle of the stories. He is almost ready to leave; hoping only to equal or surpass the Old Took and even in this, he is resigned if it is not to be. We shall see.

Also on this day, Saruman and Grima are arriving in the shire. There is still a little bite in this snake and things will not go well with the Shire for a time. We will learn of this only after the fact but these events are foretold some weeks ago. You will recall that they met Saruman and Grima on the road and exchanged words. Saruman is bitter and demeaned but not humbled. Before they took leave of him, Saruman warns the hobbits that it will serve them right if they return to find the South Farthing less well than they would like it. This parting shot troubles Sam who does not at all like the tone of Saruman's words and is worried to get back to the Shire.

But for now, the Hobbits and Gandalf will visit with Bilbo and take their leisure at the Last Homely House.

Images © Alan Lee.