Tolkien Calendar: The Great Years

Middle-earth Journeys > The Great Years Calendar

May 8, TA 3019

8 May 2006 21:07:56
Categories: Tolkien Calendar

Éomer and Éowyn depart for Rohan with the sons of Elrond

It is not hard to imagine the emotions of this journey. Aragorn has just been crowned as Elessar. Éomer has inherited the throne of Rohan. Less than four months prior, both King Théoden of Rohan and his son and heir, Théodred were still alive...Éomer a mere nephew and cousin. Now both he and Éowyn return to Edoras so that the new King can take up his rule and care for his war ravaged Kingdom.

Éomer's words in parting from Elessar are some of my favorites.
Since the day when you rose before me out of the green grass of the downs I have loved you, and that love shall not fail. But now I must depart for a while to my own realm, where there is much to heal and set in order. But as for the Fallen, when all is made ready we will return for him, but here let him sleep a while.
It should not be forgotten that Elladan and Elrohir were both instrumental in the defeat of Sauron in Gondor while serving the King. They also leave with the party for Rohan, to meet a very special group of travelers who now make their way South from Rivendell.

Images © "Edoras" by Alan Lee.
