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March 7, TA 3019

Categories: Tolkien Calendar

Frodo taken by Faramir to Henneth Annûn. Aragorn comes to Dunharrow at nightfall.

Although all of our heroes are in relative safety in Middle-earth today, there is certainly no lull in the dramatic action, especially in the dramatic geography, if I may use the term. For the horizons of Middle-earth are expanding right before our eyes today. Pippin is speeding with Gandalf and Shadowfax across Gondor toward Minas Tirith. Frodo and Sam are being led, blindfolded, to the primitive yet civilized refuge of Henneth Annun in the land of Ithilien, with its "dishevelled dryad loveliness" (perhaps my favorite of all Tolkien phrases). Merry is with the King, preparing for the Muster of Rohan, with all its diverse characters and regions. And Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas, along with the Dunedain and the sons of Elrond, have formed the Grey Company, riding for the White Mountain range and the Paths of the Dead. Indeed, once again today, geography is a character in the story.
Tolkien tells us that when Frodo and Bilbo sat down for a good hobbity talk, they would talk about all the beautiful places they had seen in the world. I imagine that Frodo must have told Bilbo about Henneth Annun, revealed to Frodo and Sam in dramatic fashion:

"Then came the voice of Faramir close behind. 'Let them see!' he said. The scarves were removed and their hoods drawn back, and they blinked and gasped.

"They stood on a wet floor of polished stone, the doorstep, as it were, of a rough-hewn gate of rock opening dark behind them. But in front a thin veil of water was hung, so near that Frodo could have put an outstretched arm into it. It faced westward. The level shafts of the setting sun behind beat upon it, and the red light was broken into many flickering beams of ever-changing colour. It was as if they stood at the window of some elven-tower, curtained with threaded jewels of silver and gold, and ruby, sapphire and amethyst, all kindled with an unconsuming fire."

Images © "Road to the Hold on Firienfeld" by Alan Lee.