What a day in Middle-earth! It seems that events are being catapulted forward and deeds take on a heightened sense of urgency. All of our key players rush to stem the tide of darkness that now begins to pour out of Mordor. We readers are left to devour each page as quickly as we can. Our friends are in the breech as they, and we, wonder if their efforts (though earnest...almost desperate) will be enough to stop the imminent onslaught from the Land of Shadow.
Gandalf has reached the City of Kings and is confronted by a cynical and what appears to be a demented Denethor, the Steward of Gondor. Pippin offers the gallant gesture of service to the Steward, but he and Gandalf, and indeed the rest of the White City, feel the oppression of the Darkness on their doorstep. As Faramir leaves Henneth Annûn, he knows full well that his decision to release Frodo and his secret burden will not sit well with his father, the Steward. We can only imagine the thoughts going through his mind as he travels swiftly to Minas Tirith to face Denethor.
More than most, Aragorn understands the urgency of this day...how high the stakes...